Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

2 Subjects

Discussion Board IV Social and Emotional Development

Discussion Board  IV Social and Emotional Development

Q 1. Based on your past readings, article and video, state your case/argument on whether aggression is linked directly to biological, social, parental, cultural influence or are there compounding factors which include these and more and influence the development of children. Incorporate your thoughts on whether children are influenced by media. If so, how much media exposure is over-exposure? Lastly, think about the developmental theories and concepts listed within your readings. Be sure to post a reply on two of your colleague's post

Q 2. How would you understand the emergence of these problems using an attachment theory paradigm? Be detailed and clear with your answer.

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In light of the past readings and the video, it can be stated that children are attached to their parents and the immediate social group to a large extent. Therefore, any sort of repercussion in their environment has a deep impact on the ignited minds of the children. Therefore, aggression in parents, peer groups, society and culture provokes aggression in a child. Moreover, cultural stressor such as discrimination, negative reception or bicultural stress is one of the pivotal factors of aggression in children.